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Honey Vs Wasp Info Page

Honey Bee Vs Yellow Jacket

Top: Bees on ice; Bottom: Wasps by water.

Honey Bees

We can't live without them! 

As pollinators, crucial to our production of food, honeybees are some of the most beneficial insects around.

Yellow Jackets

Aggressive and have no benefit! 

The danger posed by these insects significantly outweighs any beneficial aspect of their presence. If the honeybee colony is weak, the yellowjackets win. They’ll eat up the honey and pollen and also eat the honeybee workers themselves. They won't leave without also devouring the unborn honeybee brood.

A yellowjacket trap with insects inside.


You can help the honey bee population by...

Use yellow jacket traps. Visit your local hardware store and get a few yellow jacket traps that uniquely attract just the bullies and none of the good guys. They are relatively inexpensive and very effective. 

​Pro Tip: Put out early to catch the queens!