
Board Elections & Appointments
All conservation district elections and appointments in Washington State are governed by Washington Administrative Code 135-110 with guidance and oversight provided by the Washington State Conservation Commission
2025 Election and Appointment Information
Each conservation district (CD) in Washington is governed by a board of five members, called supervisors. Three are elected locally by the public, and two are appointed by the Conservation Commission. At least two of the elected and one of the appointed supervisors must be local landowners or operators of a farm. The term of office is three years. Supervisors are non-partisan and serve without compensation — they are volunteers.
Please continue reading below for important information on how to vote and/or how to apply for a supervisor position.
Eligible voters must be registered to vote in Pend Oreille County and reside within the boundaries of the conservation district (Pend Oreille County, Town of Metaline, Town of Ione, and City of Newport). Because this election will be held by mail-in/drop-off voting, ballots are available by request only. Requests MUST include the eligible voter’s full name and full mailing address.
The deadline to request a ballot is: February 26, 2025, at 5:00 PM
Ballot requests may be submitted by:
- Sending an email to mmalone@pocd.org with the requester’s full name and full address
- Calling 509-447-1155 – please leave a message clearly stating the requester’s full name, full mailing address, and a phone number to reach you if necessary.
Completed ballots can be mailed in or dropped off at our office no later than Election Day (March 19th, 2025).
- Ballots may be delivered to the POCD office at 121 N. Washington Ave., Newport, WA 99156 by 5:00 PM.
- Return completed ballots by mail to (postdated no later than Election Day, March 19th):
P.O. Box 465
Newport, WA 99156
Qualified candidates must be registered voters residing in Pend Oreille County and reside within the boundaries of the conservation district (Pend Oreille County, Town of Metaline, Town of Ione, and City of Newport) and may be required to own land or operate a farm. The filing deadline for candidates to file the required information is February 14, 2025. Interested candidates must file their candidate required information at the following location: 121 N. Washington Ave., Newport, WA 99156.
The elected position whose term is expiring in May 2025 is currently held by Jon Paul Driver.
Candidate required information will be accepted by in-person delivery or by mail. Candidates may also provide candidate optional information (candidate statement - see guidelines below). Candidate optional information must be filed no later than the filing deadline (February 14th, 2025 at 5:00 PM) to the District office at: 121 N. Washington Ave., Newport, WA 99156. Optional information must comply with district policy or it will not be published. For questions about candidate required information or candidate optional information requirements please contact the election supervisor, Mary Malone, at mmalone@pocd.org / 509-447-1155.
CD Candidates GuideForm PF-A Candidate Information Form (application for elected position) DOCXForm PF-A Candidate Information Form (application for elected position) PDFPOCD Candidate Statement Guidelines
There are no appointed positions open at this time.
The election supervisor will be Mary Malone (email: mmalone@pocd.org; phone: 509-447-1155)
Related Documents:
Conservation District Elections Fact Sheet Conservation District Supervisor Responsibilities Conservation District Candidates Guide to ElectionsQuestions? Call: 509-447-1155 - Please leave a message. Or email: admin@pocd.org
Please contact the Elections Supervisor, Mary Malone, for more information at mmalone@pocd.org or call 509-447-1155.