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Corey Brenner

Position: Riparian Program Coordinator
Email Address:
A man in an orange jacket standing by a river with trees and mountains in the background.

I earned a Bachelor of Science degree with a focus on Environmental Studies from Evergreen State College, where my academic pursuits ignited a profound passion for nature and conservation. As a former field ecologist, I had the privilege of interning with the Washington State Department of Transportation, contributing to significant wetland and riparian habitat conservation projects across the state. These experiences provided invaluable insights into the critical importance of preserving our natural landscapes, especially in disturbed habitats. My passion for exploration and the outdoors has taken me on hiking adventures along the Cascadia crest, from Mt Shasta and the Trinity Alps to the 3 sisters and Mt Rainier. Whether engaging in kayaking and camping during the summer or snowboarding and snowshoeing in the winter, I find solace and inspiration in the natural world's beauty.